Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Regional Director Rebecca P. Geamala (left) and Assistant Regional Director for Operations and PGS Focal Shalaine Marie S. Lucero receive the PGS Early Wins: SPRINT CHAMP Award on behalf of DSWD Field Office VII.
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Regional Director Rebecca P. Geamala (left) and Assistant Regional Director for Operations and PGS Focal Shalaine Marie S. Lucero receive the PGS Early Wins: SPRINT CHAMP Award on behalf of DSWD Field Office VII.

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) presents the first Early Wins: SPRINT CHAMP AWARD to offices which upheld exemplary governance in the performance of its functions in contribution to the DSWD Strategy.

The Early Wins: SPRINT CHAMP Award aims to recognize the outstanding achievement and performance of DSWD’s offices nationwide which were able to exemplify innovative practices and localize governance mechanisms that influence the achievement of breakthrough results.

It is one of the winning mechanisms established by the Department which helped achieved its Performance Governance System (PGS) Proficiency Certificate and Silver Trailblazer Award in December 2021.

PGS is a holistic and collaborative framework for designing, executing, monitoring, and sustaining roadmaps to reforms.  Through the PGS, the DSWD was able to come up with strategic initiatives aimed at helping the Department fulfill its vision.

The DSWD Field Office (FO) VII emerged as the first SPRINT CHAMP of the Department. Contributory to FO VII’s success is their advocacy strategies, localization of a PGS Core Team, online collaboration and progress monitoring, documented monitoring processes, breakthrough results along the full functionality of Local Social Welfare and Development Offices, Centers and Residential Care Facilities certified as Centers of Excellence, and self-sufficient Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program households. The FO was able to participate in benchmarking activities with the Bureau of Customs-Port of Cebu which is also a PGS practitioner. They shared their PGS journey with each other and gained new learnings along strategy management.

The award was virtually conferred to the DSWD FO VII by DSWD Secretary Rolando Joselito D. Bautista, together with Undersecretary Danilo G. Pamonag as the PGS Core Team Chairperson, and Guest of Honor from the Civil Service Commission, Chairperson Alicia R Bala during the 2021 Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) Award.

Through this recognition, the DSWD guarantees the institutionalization of the PGS as a strategic framework that will help realize the Department’s vision of ensuring that quality social protection programs are accessed by poor, disadvantaged, and marginalized Filipinos. ###