A Travel Clearance is a document issued by the Department of Social Welfare and Development below 18 years of age (referred to as minor) travelling abroad unaccompanied by any of the parents or persons having parental authority or legal custody over the child.
- Filipino minor who is traveling alone using the Philippine Passport only for their travel outside the Philippines;
- Filipino minor travelling with prospective adoptive parent/s for purpose of inter-country adoption
- Filipino minor travelling with a person other than his/her parent/s, legal guardian or person exercising parental authority/legal custody over him/her.
- Filipino minor who is illegitimate and is travelling with his/her biological father.
- For married minors, the same requirements apply to that of unmarried minors travelling abroad.
I. A minor accompanied by the following:
- Either or both of the minor’s parents, if the minor is legitimate;
- The minor’s biological mother, if the minor is illegitimate;
- The minor’s father who has been granted sole parental authority or custody by the proper court, if the minor is illegitimate;
- The minor’s legal guardian;
- The person, including one of the minor’s parents, who was granted sole parental authority or legal custody by the proper court, in which case the court decision should specifically include a statement to this effect, i.e., naming the person to whom sole parental authority of legal custody over the minor has been granted.
- Minor’s adoptive parents if the minor is granted with adoption decree & Certificate of Finality.
II. A minor who is an immigrant or a permanent resident abroad, with foreign passport, or whose parents are in the foreign service holding diplomatic/official passport such as Ambassador/General Consul/Consul/Attaches, provided he/she is holding a valid passport and a visa such as dependent visa/identification card which serves as proof that the travel does not constitute child trafficking.
For minor/s travelling alone to a foreign country for the first time:
- Duly accomplished Application Form;
- Assessment Report from the Local Social Welfare and Development Office (LSWDO) or SWOII of the Social Welfare and Development (SWAD) Team when necessary;
- Birth certificate on security paper (SECPA) from PSA
- A photocopy of the marriage certificate on security paper (SECPA) of the minor’s parents or the Court Decision on Legal Guardianship of the minor, or tallaq or fasakh certification from the Shariah Court or any Muslim Barangay or Religious leader;
- In the case of illegitimate minor, a certificate of no marriage (CENOMAR) of the minor’s mother from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) on Security paper (SECPA);
- Notarized (notarized at the place of residence) affidavit or written consent of parents, the solo parent and the legal guardian, whichever is applicable, permitting the minor to travel to a foreign country. In the absence of both parents or an appointed legal guardian, the relative’s consent in the order of preference provided under Article 216 of the Family Code of the Philippines (Executive Order No. 209 as amended) shall prevail and in which case, an Assessment Report by the Social Worker of the LSWDO should also be submitted with a copy of the parent/s/legal guardian’s valid identification card with specimen signature, and visa of parents if working abroad (for legitimate children, both grandparents who have the custody of the minor). For illegitimate or non-marital child, consent of maternal grandparents is required.
- Two (2) original colored passport size photos (white, red, or blue background) of the minor taken within the last six (6) months from the time of application. No scanned picture is allowed.
- Affidavit of Support and certified copy of any evidence to show financial capability of sponsor (parents/legal guardian or other person/agency shouldering the expenses)
- Certificate of Employment
- Latest Income Tax Return
- Bank Statement, etc.
9. In case either or both parents of the minor are deceased, certified true copy of the Death Certificate/s of each of the parents on security paper (SECPA)
10. Unaccompanied Minor Certificate from the Airlines.
11. Waiver from the parents releasing DSWD from any liability/responsibility in case of untoward incident during the travel of the child.
For a succeeding travel of unaccompanied or traveling alone minor to a foreign to a foreign country:
- Duly accomplished application form;
- Notarized affidavit or written consent of both parents, the solo parent and the legal guardian, whichever is applicable, with a copy of the valid identification card with specimen signature;
- Original copy of the previous Travel Clearance issued;
- Two (2) original colored passport size photos (white, red or blue background) of the minor taken within the last six (6) months from the time of application. No scanned pictures will be accepted;
- Unaccomplished Minor Certificate from the Airlines.
- Waiver the parents releasing DSWD from any liability/responsibility in case of untoward incident during the travel of the child.Minor/s travelling for the first time with a person other than the parents or legal guardian:
- Duly accomplished application form
- Photo copy of birth certificate of minor (SECPA)
- Notarized affidavit or written consent of both parents or solo parent or legal guardian, attached with valid identification card with specimen signature;
- Photocopy of marriage certificate (SECPA) of the minor’s parents or a certificate of legal guardianship, in the case of solo parent, a solo parent identification card from the LSWDO or a certification of being a solo parent (assessment report of the LSWDO as attachment), a court decree of separation, annulment or divorce, in case of illegitimate minor, a certificate of no marriage from the PSA, if applicable; in case of deceased parent, a photocopy of the death certificate;
- Two (2) original colored (white, red or blue background) passport size photos of minor taken within the last six (6) six months, No scanned pictures will be accepted;
- Photocopy of the passport of the traveling companion.
Minor/s travelling subsequently with other the parents or legal guardian:
- Duly accomplished application form;
- Original copy of the Travel Clearance previously issued by DSWD field Office.
- Notarized affidavit of consent from biological parent/s guardian authorizing a particular person to accompany the child in his/her travel abroad, with a copy of the valid identification card with specimen signature;
- Two (2) original colored (white, red or blue background) passport size photos of minor taken within the last six (6) months, No scanned pictures will be accepted;
- Photocopy of the passport of the travelling companion;
Additional requirements for minor/s – under special circumstances.
For Filipino minor migrating to another country:
- Visa petition approval
For a minor who will study abroad:
- Acceptance or certificate of Enrollment or Registration from the school where minor is to be enrolled.
For a minor who will attend conference, study tours, Competition, Student Exchange Program, Summer Camp, Pilgrimage, World Youth Day and Other Related activities:
- Certification from sponsoring organization
- Affidavit of undertaking of companion indicating the safety measures undertaken by the sports agency (for sports competition)
- Signed invitation from the Sponsoring agency/organization abroad with itinerary of travel and list of participants and duration of the activity/travel
For minor going abroad for medical purposes:
- Medical abstract of the minor
- Recommendation from attending physician that such medical procedure is not available in the country, letter from sponsor
For minor/s whose parent/s are seafarers:
- A certification from the manning agency attesting to the parent’s employment
- Photocopy of the Seaman’s Book
For abandoned minor with alleged missing parent, if parents are married, the following shall be the requirements:
- Social Case Study Report executed by a licensed social worker of the local government unit.
- Blotter report from either the local police or barangay certification from the locality or the last known address of the alleged missing; and
- One (1) returned registered mail to the last known address of the alleged missing parent(s) or known relative(s)
“The social worker shall review and evaluate the documents submitted and ensure that it is genuine and valid. An interview shall likewise be conducted and if necessary, additional documents may be required from the applicants.”
The DSWD shall collect a processing fee for each travel clearance issued to minors traveling abroad under the following options:
- Php 300.00 with validity of one (1) year.
- Php 600.00 with validity of two (2) years.
A DSWD travel clearance is valid for a period of one (1) or two (2) years depending on the period applied. However, should there be amendments/ changes in the issued/ used travel clearance, amendments can be made free as long as the travel clearance is within the validity period.
The application for travel clearance, together with the supporting documents required shall be submitted/filed at the DSWD Regional Office that has jurisdiction over the minor’s residence.
Other Frequently Asked Questions…
Paternal/maternal grandparents who exercise parental authority over a minor whose parents are both deceased may issue the consent even without guardianship order from the Court. But in cases where both the paternal/maternal grandparents are deceased, relatives/acting guardians of the minor should work for their legal guardianship over the minor.
A minor who is the subject of an on-going/pending custody battle before the court between his/her parents and is travelling abroad with either of his/her parents will not be issued a travel clearance unless a court order is issued allowing him/her to travel with said parent. The family of the minor shall be responsible to file a petition in court for the issuance of a hold departure order, inclusion of the minor’s name in the Bureau of Immigration’s watch list as well as in the delisting of the name of the minor, once the issue of custody has been resolved by the court.
Illegitimate children are under the custody of the mother. If they will be traveling with the mother, they are not required to secure a travel clearance from the DSWD. If they are traveling with person other than the mother, they must secure a travel clearance.
The notarized affidavit of consent is not applicable for minor’s parent whose place of work is not land-based such as seafarers, however a certification from the manning agency attesting to the parent’s employment and photocopy of the Seaman’s Book are required.
Fore more inquiries, kindly contact the nearest Field Office near you (see the Directory of the Field Offices below):
DSWD-National Capital Region
389 San Rafael Street, corner Legarda St.,
Sampaloc, Manila
Tel/Fax: (02)313-1435 loc 210,733-0010 to 14/488-3104
DSWD Field Office I
Quezon Avenue, San Fernando, La Union
Tel/Fax: (072) 888-2505/888-2184
DSWD-Field Office II
3 Dana Pagyaya, Regional Government Center
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
Tel/Fax: (078)846-7532/846-7043
DSWD-Field Office III
Government Center, Maimpis,
San Fernando, Pampanga
Tel/Fax: (045)861-2413 (telefax)
Alabang-Zapote Road, Muntinlupa City
Tel/Fax: (02) 387-2632 or 850-8380/807-1518
1680 F.T. Benitez corner Gen. Malvar Sts., Malate, Manila
Tel/Fax: (02) 336-8106 local 401/336-8106 local 103
DSWD Field Office V
Magnolia St. PBN Buraguis, Legaspi City
Tel/Fax: (052) 821-7920 or 480-5346/480-5754
DSWD Field Office VI
M.H. del Pilar Street, Molo, Iloilo City
Tel: (033) 300-0526/ 337-6221
DSWD Field Office VII
MJ Cuenco Avenue corner Gen. Maxilom Ave., Cebu City
Tel/Fax: (032) 233-8779 or through trunkline no. 412-9908
DSWD Field Office VIII
Magsaysay Blvd., Tacloban City
Tel/Fax: (053) 321-3090 or 321-1176/ 321-1007
DSWD Field Office IX
General Vicente Alvarez St., Zamboanga City
Tel/Fax: (062) 991-6030, 991-6056 (trunkline)/993-0652
DSWD Field Office X
Masterson Ave., Upper Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City
Tel/Fax: (088) 858-88-92/858-89-59
DSWD Field Office XI
Suazo St., cor. Magsaysay Ave., Davao City
Tel/Fax: (082) 226-28-57/227-8746
DSWD Field Office XII
9506-Purok Bumanoag, Brgy. Zone 3, Koronadal City
Tel/Fax: (083) 520-0572 or 228-3180/228-8637
DSWD Field Office CARAGA
R. Palma St. Butuan City
Tel/Fax: (085) 346-0113/815-9173
DSWD Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)
40 North Drive, Baguio City
Tel/Fax: (074) 444-3209 or 444-3262/442-7917
For further details, please visit: https://old.dswd.gov.ph/issuances/AOs/AO_2017-012.pdf
Residential and Non-Residential Facilities for Persons with Disability (PWD)
Question 1: Magkano ang discount sa Public Transportation para sa mga “Persons With Disabilities”?
Reply: Ayon sa Section 32. Chapter 8. Other Privileges and Incentives, Republic Act No. 9442, An Act Amending Republic Act No. 7277, Otherwise known as the “Magna Carta for Persons With Disabilities” binabangit na:
Letter g: “At least 20% discount in public railways, skyways and bus fare for the exclusive use or enjoyment of Persons With Disabilities.” Kung regular fare (5 kilometers) sa jeep ay P 8.00 X 20% = P 6.40 ang nararapat na pasahe sa jeep.
Question 2: Saan pa may ibang “privileges” para sa mga Persons With Disabilities?
Reply: Other Privileges and Incentives of Persons With Disabilities
- 20% discount for all services in hotels and similar lodging establishments, restaurants & recreation centers.
- A minimum of 20% discount on admission fees on theaters, cinema houses, concert hall, circuses carnivals and other similar places of culture, leisure and amusement.
- At least 20% discount for all purchase of medicines in all drugstores.
- At least 20% discount on medical & dental services including (diagnostic and laboratory fees & professional fees of attending doctors in all private hospitals & medical facilities).
- At least 20% discount on fare for domestic air and sea travel.
- Educational assistance to pursue primary, secondary, tertiary, post tertiary, vocational or technical education in public & private schools thru scholarship grants, financial aids, subsidies and other incentives such as books, learning materials & uniform allowance(DEPED).
- Continuation of benefits of GSIS, SSS & PAG-IBIG (previously employed ) as the case may be necessary.
- Special discounts (5%) in special programs for Persons With Disabilities on purchase of basic commodities (with guidelines from DTI & DA).
- Provision of express lanes for Persons With Disabilities in all commercial and government establishments.
Modified Conditional Cash Transfer (MCCT)
Solo Parents
A solo parent, as defined by RA 8972 is:
- A woman who gives birth as a result of rape and other crimes against chastity even without a final conviction of the offender, provided that mother keeps and raises the child.
- Parent left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood due to the following circumstances:
a. Due to death of spouse.
b. Spouse is detained or is serving sentence for a criminal conviction for at least one (1) year.
c. Physical and/or mental incapacity of spouse as certified by a public medical practitioner.
d. Legal separation or de facto separation from spouse for at least one (1) year, as long as he/she is entrusted with the custody of the children.
e. Declaration of nullity or annulment of marriage as decreed by a court or by a church as long as he/she is entrusted with the custody of the children.
- Unmarried mother/father who has preferred to keep and rear her/his child/children instead of having others care for them or give them up to a welfare institution.
- Any other person who solely provides parental care and support to a child or children.
- Any family member who assumes the responsibility of head of family as a result of the death, abandonment, disappearance or prolonged absence of the parents or solo parent.
Any solo parent whose income falls below the poverty threshold as set by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and subject to the assessment of the DSWD worker in the area shall be eligible for assistance. A solo parent can directly inquire from the following agencies to avail of their services:
- Health Services (DOH)
- Educational Services (CHED, TESDA)
- Housing (NHA)
- Parental Leave (Employer, DOLE, CSC) Note: A solo parent whose income is above the poverty threshold shall enjoy only such limited benefits as flexible work schedule, parental leave and others to be determined by the DSWD.
1. The applicants for the solo parent ID must bring the following documents to the City/Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office:
- Barangay certification certifying Solo Parent’s residency in the barangay for the last six months
- Certificates e.g., birth certificates of children, death certificate of spouse and other appropriate documentary support
- Income tax return or any document that will establish the income level of the solo parent
2. The social worker receives and ensures that all documents are complete and registers the applications with an appropriate case number in the log-book Registry of Solo Parents.
Note: The ID will be issued after 30 days from filing. The validity of the ID is one year and is renewable
Reprinted from http://www.gov.ph/services/solo-parent/
Social Pension
Supplementary Feeding Program
Recovery and Reintegration Program for Trafficked Persons
Assistance to Communities in Need (ACN)
Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situations (AICS)
IRR: 10754 (Magna Carta for Persons with Disabilities)
Save Street Kids Program Briefer (Twitter Referral)
Kapit Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan – Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services – National Community Driven Development Program (Kalahi-CIDSS)
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps)
Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP)
Unconditional Cash Transfer Program (UCT)