Social Protection

   Operational Framework of the Philippines

The primary goal of social protection is to contribute to an improved quality of life for the citizenry, through substantial reductions in poverty, inequality, and vulnerability; and the inclusion of the marginalized in the development process. Specifically, it aims to:

Social Protection
is Universal

Universal Universal means all Filipinos must be able to accesss a menu of programs that will respond to the various risks that they will confront in their lifetime. This is in line with the principle that social protection is a basic human right that must cover every citizen, especially the poor and the vulnerable, in their entire life cycle.

Social Protection
is Transformative

Universal Universal means all Filipinos must be able to accesss a menu of programs that will respond to the various risks that they will confront in their lifetime. This is in line with the principle that social protection is a basic human right that must cover every citizen, especially the poor and the vulnerable, in their entire life cycle.

  • Protect and prevent people’s income from declining from their current income levels due to various risk factors.
  • Build capacity and adaptability to ensure that better quality of life is maintained and sustained.
  • Expand employment opportunities through policies, income generation expansion, and improved human capital investment. 
  • Generate support from government and other sectors to ensure sustained standards of living despite exposure different types of risks.
  • Create mechanisms and institutions to promote social inclusion and mitigate social

Why Social Protection?

Growth is yet to make a significant dent on Philippine poverty, and modest growth in recent years continues to bypass the poor; and Growth is yet to make a significant dent on Philippine poverty, and modest growth in recent years continues to bypass the poor; and Growth is yet to make a significant dent on Philippine poverty, and modest growth in recent years continues to bypass the poor; and Growth is yet to make a significant dent on Philippine poverty, and modest growth in recent years continues to bypass the poor; and Filipino families, whether poor or non-poor, face various economic, environmental and man-made risks. Managing such risks is important for families to prevent them from falling into, falling deeper, and trapped into, poverty.


 The poor need to be protected from the negative impacts of natural and man-made risks, and support their efforts to manage these risks. Government has a responsibility to promote the rights and welfare of the poor; and Thus, social protection programs are needed to enable the poor to handle and eventually surpass those risks. Doing so will eventually make them exit poverty and lower their exposure to vulnerable situations.

Social Protection programs aim to lift

people out of poverty.

SP programs also seek to prevent

people from becoming vulnerable

because of individual and life-cycle

risks, economic risks, environmental risks, and social and governance




Social Protection Outlook
